Monday, August 3, 2009

Is God real? or Jesus calms the storm

If anyone has a question at scripture, they can write it down on a piece of paper, put it in the question box and we try to answer it. One of the questions we got recently asked if God was real.

You could say that this term is all about answering that question. Even though we can't see God, he shows that he's real in many different ways. First, the world is amazing, complicated and beautiful -- it suggests that someone very powerful is responsible for making it. Second, most of us have a conscience. Our conscience tells us when we're doing right or when we're doing wrong. It's as if God's perfect way of living is somehow already inside us. And third, God sent people all through history to teach people that God was real.

But often these ways aren't enough to show us God is real -- they get so easily confused and misunderstood. So God chose the best way. He came and lived with us on the earth for a while as a normal man. He went to parties, he told stories, he made friends and he taught us how to live. He died and came back to life to pay for the wrong things we've done.

Jesus also did lots of things while he was here to show us that he was God. Last week we saw that he calmed a storm. Jesus and his disciples went sailing on a big lake in Israel; suddenly the wind picked up and blew strongly, the waves were huge and were crashing down on the little boat. All Jesus' big tough fisherman friends were scared like little puppies. They thought they would die, so they woke up Jesus who was sleeping and pleaded with him to save them. Jesus asked them why they were afraid. And With a few words Jesus made the big, dark, stormy lake that was going to send them all to the bottom as calm as a glass of water on a kitchen bench. Didn't they know who he was?