Saturday, July 4, 2009

Tuesday June 30 - Water into Wine

A lot of our evidence for what an amazing character God is comes from the life of his son Jesus. This week we saw that Jesus is the kind of guy you would definitely invite to a party!

We looked at the time that Jesus was at a party where the wine ran out (John 2:1-11). After his mother told him about this embarrassing disaster, Jesus asked the servants to fill some stone jars with water. When the main organiser of the party tasted it, it had turned into delicious wine. He called the bridegroom and said “Everyone serves the good wine first, and then the cheaper wine later on. You have kept the good wine until now!”

After we heard the story, Mr Chew, who isn't quite the miracle worker that Jesus is, turned water into blackcurrant juice. It was pretty tasty, but we're almost certain it won't be something that is remembered and discussed for the next two weeks, let alone the next two thousand years.

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